Edge Data converges the multiple dimensions of Multi-Media Productions aroused in the mind of SF/CA residents & of the World
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The Minister of the Beginning of the End stands wide legged
If you or one of your bohemes have spotted PMPope around town scripting in his pad THIS IS IT! The verses poured over @ cafes/piers/venues round town. The Edge of the World Production Studions has taken the difficulty of processing this alien/angelic script into a sonic format for easy digestion. If you or someone you know is looking for a truly unique gift that verifies the cutting edge literary trombone plays through the streets of the city even now... during the 3rd world War of oil & financial decay... you can put their fears to rest with this utilitarian gift and its' ability to say the things the corporate &/OR alternative media has decided to ignore... Why not?
Don't Panic! Keep it OUTER*National & Gratefully ORGANIC
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Soma Literary Review & LitCrawl!
Well! I'll be. This is the final product from the night of October 11th
over yonder at The Dark Room for the LitCrawl which is part of the LitQuake 2008
My gratitude & fondness go out to everyone involved & a GIANT 'Thank You!' to Kemble Scot & the Soma Literary Review for inviting me to be a part of this. I hope we have many more opportunities for writers & their ilk to come together for massive literary festivals in San Francisco!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
LitQuake 2008!
I hope Some of these will show up at my reading which will happen @ The Dark Room, 2263 Mission Street in the 6-7pm slot of the LitCrawl on Saturday, October 11th.
But for now let's bask in the glow of our friends over @ Books Inc. Thanks Book Inc.!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Who Put the Grease on the Amerikan Baton?
waiting, Gay looked ahead and began to take off. Now accelerating, he
glanced back at Darvis Patton, his U.S. teammate in a 400-meter relay
preliminary heat. A moment later, Patton let go of the stick, and Gay
squeezed his hand shut — empty.
Why did the Women's Relay Team Flub the Passing of the Baton?
One racer says ' Someone must have have some voodoo dolls of us.' Huh, interesting... Maybe we can all use that excuse anytime we flub.... oh well back to the Water Cube... A 15 year old Chinese diver vs. some big legged women from the Americas. Who will win? OK Chinese Sports Academy means NO SPLASH FOR CHEN! She has been diving at the professional level since she was 4 years old & dancing to the techno, mindblowing beats of Comminist China's most fashionable Bejing's late night tourist havens. At least there's no chance of being hit by Godzilla shaped cloud of pollution if your working out in the Chinese Sports Academy. Somewhat Kafkaesque, no? Chen, a somewhat boyish looking androgyne, has taken the lead for the Chinese gold rush out there in the Water Cube. And the Amerikans...? God bless 'em,...
Those Freakin' Guys @ the FCC have Decided to PLay A Game called: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots
is one step closer to commercial availability as the first
Android-powered handset has been given the green light by the Federal Communications Commission.
The handset is being made by High Tech Computer, and the documentation confirms that the device is being called the "Dream." Keeping in line with recent reports, the handset will support T-Mobile's 3G network.
But don't take Our word for it head over to Information Week for the full story...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Morphed Out Shark Legs Running for Work
She sees I will have to run. So she dares me to run the breath on the back of her neck. Feet are burnt to the ground while my hair stinks the wind. You wouldn't believe that I can move miles and miles and miles without leaving a footprint. Why would you believe? This is the work of morphed out shark legs. They skip and prance and weave through trees, but they cannot out do the speed I have swung fathomless to the surf. They may motivate, but they do not pass. The waters of the world spin around her body. She is fast, fascinatingly, fairly fueled by this sweet electric and cannot get enough. 'Bring me closer. Bring me more.'
New shark management plans and development of new existing shark management plans are needed. Given the wide range of shark distributions and the extensive migration of many species, bilateral and/or multilateral cooperation, assessments, and agreements are needed to understand and manage shark workplace Eco-sustainable…
She can see through man made material. Cosmic light wakes up.
Make a necklace from the teeth. The pain of being your monster has made life insufferable.
None know her name proper but they do know exactly when they look her in the eye.
Fossil records indicate that ancestors of modern sharks swam the seas over 400 million years ago, making them older than dinosaurs. Sharks can hear best at frequencies below 1,000 Hertz which is the range of most natural aquatic sounds
Breathe. There is liquid gold in exhausted air. Nothing is the richness and lavishness that fills lungs. If I could take a knife and carve a spout in my lips I would. For that way I could deeply drink the deep delicious drink which would preciously pour out. I could swim in the pearly pools of life and love. It is a love that only fierce fish know. Fish who have been caught by a fisherman and then thrown back in the ocean because of stupid luck know that love. I want to know that love too.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Cell Phone Coppalas and Hitchcockers YOUR TIME HAS COME TODAY!
Why not? If you are a video head and want to get the down & dirty on this *NEW* form of homebrewed cinema head over to qik
and 'See what happens'
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Party for Babylon Falling
{and why we should support its' continued growth}
no matter how the blog-o-razzi quip chittingly about the eminent demise of culture & its' monuments...
Babylon is alive and well. An amorphous entity,Babylon continues to thrive & grow. Whether they sell t-shirt @ market price for festival or festival price for market or crowd up on the captured image/sound/motion, forget about it...
NOTE: a monochromatic photograph
'Jimmy Cliff Revisited, Trenchtown' google it and notice the spelling> in particular 'A UMIMUM' & 'ACCETYLENE'...
Twitters says 'Oh, man! That is so lame. I thought you were going to dish the cake on the Babylon Falling 1 (one) Year Anniversary party & impromptu sidewalk beer bash with all those fabulouso peeps from all those exotic places. Oh, WAHHH! Now i'm gonna have to navigate further down the googly search page to find what i'm looking for.'
Cool your high octane jets, Twit.
I received the invite to this party in e-mail blast format from Babylon Falling dot com blog. As did my loverly Spanish fiancee over yonder in Madrid (The 'almost' Capital City & World HQ of all the world's dragon population) say hi, honey... 'Holaaa, desde Madrid!'
Entering the party I was able to check out the Apocalyptic Ballerina & her lo-tech DJ. Refreshing!
This an excerpt from their site description:
Babylon Falling is a concept driven independent bookstore, located in Lower Nob Hill San Francisco, with a focus on the spirit of Revolution. In addition to new books we also carry similarly themed collectible toys, clothing, posters (original vintage stock, and silk screen re-prints from Ospaaal), artwork, and DVDs.
Revolution surrounds us. On one side of the store the shelves are dedicated to the history, theory, and politics of Revolution. The other wall of shelves is focused on aesthetic and stylistic Revolution and features sections devoted to literature, graphic novels, art, and music. The toys, artwork, clothing, and DVDs compliment and supplement the collection of over 3,000 titles. NO FILLER.
We also host regular events that have included performance art, book signings, and art exhibitions. You can see pictures of our past events here
As the good doctor was fond of saying, "Res ipsa loquitor" - The thing speaks for itself.
Some wackiness over the name Yuske and we're off to the races! Sean, owner of this shoppe nestled snuggly on Bush between Leavenworth & Jones, seemed in high spirits as i entered about 7-7:30. Being that i am the sort who always acknowledges the host I salutated him and grabbed a cup of red...
The thing that impressed me was the fact that the majority of the people, artist {mainly} of various disciplines, were super approachable and willing to chat, even with post-apocalyptic creatures of my style. There's hope, eh?
Babylon Falling stocks books and artworks left of the mainstream circle. If you'd like to get the skinny on the local vibrancy of local literary & artistic culture around SF Proper definitely do yourself the kindness of stopping in and saying hi to Sean and tell him you heard about Babylon Falling.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Experiments in Truth - from the notebooks of Doctor HedskrÇ–
Stainless steel syringe pushes through the foreskin.
Generic brand Korean black market Sodium Pentothal slides through a pulsing bloodstream.
Nazi war criminals introduced Sodium Pentothal through the southwestern college towns of Texas early in the late eighties. The students took to banging it 'recreational' by the mid-nineties. Everyone and their mother caught its' effects on drunken frat boy reality video.
We've all seen what 'truth serum' does to egotistical drifters and desperadoes when they wise off to giants working the nightclub doors. It is a very small torture in the grand scheme of mortality.
She had planned that there would be a slip up in his story when it came right down to it. She believed so strongly in her feminine intuition of sociological dream interpretation, she could feel her venom rise as the syringe squeezed out the final cc. of truth juice.
- It doesn't mind. - she whispers tying off the rubber hose.
He willingly submitted for two basic reasons. The first and best played on the fact that he had nothing to hide. He hadn't slept with any other creature since he met her five years ago. He knew her mind to be clouded with the steady diet of ornately tapestried fictions.
Her mind a-blaze with images of young cosmopolite bodies lacking inhibition. She watched and read way too much. She imagined truths which would never come to past. This is a common problem among word people, especially writers of fiction.
Besides this reason he submitted quietly because, at least, she hadn't mentioned anything about the 'Stripper'. It wasn't the idea of the 'Stripper' being rubbed along his scrotum which concerned him. There is a hyper-pleasure associated with having your sack completely and professionally drained. He had it on first hand authority from the guys in Retail Division.
- She could suck the data off my silicon…any day. -
If you think the 'Stripper' is 'top-of-the-line…' at sucking large clusters of data off corporate governmental HDs and DVDs consider the electronic thrill of having your own polarity consumed by this marvelous device.
T'is the major problem, you see? He has been diagnosed as VoltPhobic. It's not like he started out with a fear of touching electrical appliances. He quite liked the idea as a youth. His earliest childhood electrical memory, after grabbing a toaster and stainless steel faucet, was that of a nine volt battery logo representing black lightning bolt cats each chasing the others tail up his arms, along his spine and finally, playfully patting his brain with sharp little paper thin claws.
He hadn't figured it for a problem until a talk show host brought it to his attention. Then making light of it to the company medical office had really proved he was a phobie. As sure as stink on Sunday morning this fear would ruin his life if he kept it hidden in denial.
Doctor HedskrÇ– filed many psych- grants to research and treat his unique phobic reaction of laughing and ejaculating at the point of contact. Luckily, his sweet Tormentress knew nothing of his condition.
Monday, June 16, 2008
the act of taking in raw data and taking an action based on the category of the data
NuevaDrid said...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Now the day & the time have come...
Friday, April 11, 2008
4-11 Posting to the Peaceful People and Pacific Daylight Time
enjoying the looks caused by perspectives of the so called 'normal' and the 'teachers' of style
We ride head long into the fog screaming "Summertime! Summertime!" PMPope is a bit on the side of the Stranded... They need more Love... so they come to SFCA and the Edge World Studions or Citywide-WiFi or Edge Data or the International Apartment & they know THEN there are all sorts of them out there and the We are the lonesome in the groups of pick-up sticks to think they compete with the Time and the Gravity and the downward spiral of youth and glamour.... It's just ridiculous that Life is so cheap for some of the people and so precious for others they start to cry while they drink in the Sun or see an old person sing a child's song.... WoW!
China wants to be the Mack... Bush wants to be the Mack... England & Germany want to Mack out... Amerika has always been Amerika and even the snotty self-serving Usenet brats know that... hey, It's not our fault we have the East Coast & the West Coast, Texas & Wisconsin, The Statue of Liberty and the Golden Gate Bridge, ... not our fault... Somebody has to sing the blues and innovate and evolve... Land Ho! Pioneers & Patriots! Natives & Immigrants! We are the We the People and that's what it is.
Maybe your fellow workers are only set to feel some sort of sympathy for television celebrities.
Needless to say I miss you.