Edge Data converges the multiple dimensions of Multi-Media Productions aroused in the mind of SF/CA residents & of the World
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Google has done it YET again!
thanks to the new TiSP equiment I am able to pull down mad stock options anywhere (& i mn n-e-wre) thanks to the big g the customer is king and the throne is the hub of the empire. I just made 23k while passing breakfast! Ask me how.
Organic Movement & Mobile Publish
It seems, nothing could ever get done without some force being expended. Someone has to spend the money to ensure the cheese wheel keeps rolling and subsequently all the rats keep chasing it. Who could ever forget the carefree 90s? Those freewheeling days followed by the last salad nights quickly came to a halt when Big Brother & his new 'Electronic Intellectual Bondage theory began to taint the cyberfrontier... which bleeds over into the material plane like a silicon & wire head wound.
The writing is more fake and desperate.The people are starting to realize we are all a bunch of 2D squiggly lines pan fried on the planet top grill inside a dirty wok. Even though the voyeurs of these hopelessly ubercritical can sense the impending fury waiting @ the toll plaza, between the Sprawl & City, nobody's going to really make a big stink about it unless there's a quick buck in it for them and theirs.
The Edge of the World Productions uSa has repeatedly endeavored to bring about a shift in this voyeur driven attack on social progress. Without further self trumpeting, the creative staff of Edge of the World Productions uSA is pleased as pickles to bring you the next step...
Ladies and laddies, Gentlemen & girly-grrls,... www.edgeworld.mobi
The writing is more fake and desperate.The people are starting to realize we are all a bunch of 2D squiggly lines pan fried on the planet top grill inside a dirty wok. Even though the voyeurs of these hopelessly ubercritical can sense the impending fury waiting @ the toll plaza, between the Sprawl & City, nobody's going to really make a big stink about it unless there's a quick buck in it for them and theirs.
The Edge of the World Productions uSa has repeatedly endeavored to bring about a shift in this voyeur driven attack on social progress. Without further self trumpeting, the creative staff of Edge of the World Productions uSA is pleased as pickles to bring you the next step...
Ladies and laddies, Gentlemen & girly-grrls,... www.edgeworld.mobi
Posting from the freeworld
Gee, ain't it grand? Hanging @the EDD SF/CA. Homeless workers and assorted wing-nuts... hot Hot HOT
sweet & spicy... now I must rely on the humanity of my building mgrs reptilian cortex response as i dish the facts that the mail has been delayed... not only that, voyeuristic ducklings, try will i to break it too the pussycat espanola cualquier volvo la casa, sabes?
well,... off to California Whole Foods... as long as i am in the neighborhood.
[tranzmission complete]
sweet & spicy... now I must rely on the humanity of my building mgrs reptilian cortex response as i dish the facts that the mail has been delayed... not only that, voyeuristic ducklings, try will i to break it too the pussycat espanola cualquier volvo la casa, sabes?
well,... off to California Whole Foods... as long as i am in the neighborhood.
[tranzmission complete]
DATELINE: @ the Studion early Morning 10.05.006

Staring @ Sea End Sunset
Alotta people believe Science to be God.
True to scientitic notation,
or so the hypothesis seems to florish,
if you rip everything down
to it's base components
all that
will be left
wiggling on the ceramic tiles
will be the undeniable truth.
A man born with a wooden head writes of 'real' things in this way. A man, with a wooden block for a head, may be willing, to expect society (in general), to pound his head with blunt metal & various older, more primitive tools.
This wooden block headed man, who could not,
in actuality,
exist outside the realm of metaphor, would never,
under highly clinical assumptive speculation,
never ever find
acceptance in society.
You see, my little ducklings, there are only,
'really' two forces of attraction on this planet. There are, however, many flavors which blossom to pervert the love/hate on/off switch.
You are initially attracted by electro magnetic impulses. After examining their mental and emotional side effects the attracted particle may turn away or towards the initial object of attraction.
[choose one only]
For a word to be scored as being correct, it must make sense in the passage and it must have the same number of letters as there are dashes. All words that meet these two conditions will be scored as being correct.
For example, a sentence might read, "The driver was injured when his 1) _ _ _ crashed through trees." You would complete the sentence by printing "CAR" in the blank space provided: "The driver was injured when his 1) C A R crashed through trees."
The word B U S or S U V could have been used, as both makes sense in the blank space, and have the proper number of letters. The words head, auto and tool are incorrect, because, even
though they make sense in the blank, they have the wrong number of letters.
Tie a chord around the neck end of a pipe
pull it tight...
Is it a balloon or the flower kind?
If you knew... you could print it in the black margins
to be an outline hero in the very last pages
of the victims' book of rhyme
pluck another feather
stick it in your hat
at the table with a pint
across the street
a neon light
buses are rolling through gray & rolling under flags celebrating
another day... alive & awake... glasses get smashed
& then they're replaced in front of your face... in this place
people got a code... they won't let you read... people need goats to carry their deeds
i wondered 'why?', when i was younger then i could be
though my eyes were wide for disbelief & humanity
Somewhat pissed
but none-the-less,... Pluto is demoted
sitting out there cold as it is... old sad jazz cat
sleeping on the bus with yellow plastic bags full of everything he owns
and a 2nd hand briefcase full of 'God only knows'
It seemed @ once such great comfort spinning out there @ distances Metro will never know...
now invisible borders keep it apart of our childtime collective dreams
it's lonely like the lawyers coming into a new crop
no reason for tear riddled panic in the Tenderloin...
our fungus is running amok... the rolling luggage still gets rolled
everything bought will be re-sold to the winners of the world
over and over again and over again...
[tolling bells and the sound of seashells]
another wave
-look everybody!-
pointing towards the edge
even beyond molecular life
sky evaporates out in space
another wave everybody
God everybody...
another wave.
Edge of the World uSA

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